Dallas’ Inland Port is at the Crossroads of Commerce, Logistics

November 28, 2018

by Kerry Curry
Dallas Innovates

Union Pacific’s Dallas Intermodal Terminal, located in Wilmer

At the intersection of the logistics, warehousing, fulfillment, and transportation sectors, you’ll find a massive development in southern Dallas County. It’s where a big business idea traveled a long road filled with potholes, detours, and roadblocks before becoming something so expansive, so special, it requires parts of five cities to hold it all.

It was the late 1990s, and Dallas-Fort Worth developer Mike Rader had a vision for a vast expanse of land south of Interstate 20 flanked by Interstate 35 on the west and Interstate 45 on the east.

His vision, for an intermodal freight transport terminal owned and operated by a major railroad, set the stage for what is today one of the highest-profile industrial developments in the country.

Known as the International Inland Port of Dallas (IIPOD), the 7,500-acre region contains a Union Pacific intermodal facility and ample, affordable land flanked by three interstate highways. The inland port has attracted the nation’s biggest industrial developers along with many of the country’s most recognizable Fortune 500 companies, including Amazon, FedEx, Kohl’s, and Whirlpool.

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