Demographic Summary
Wilmer’s Primary Trade Area (PTA) encompasses the Interstate 45 corridor from Interstate 20 to the north, and Palmer to the south. This area includes portions of Lancaster, Ferris, and southern Dallas. The Trinity River forms the eastern boundary for a majority of the eastern extents. Within the PTA, the 2017 population is 26,431 and expected to grow to almost 29,000 over the next ten years. This represents a growth rate of 4.5%. The median household income of the PTA is $50,052, while the average household income is $62,337.
PTA Demographics
2017 Population |
26,431 |
2022 Population |
27,619 |
% Growth 2017 - 2022 |
4.5% |
2017 Workplace Establishments |
334 |
2017 Employees |
8,384 |
2017 Households |
7,655 |
Persons per Household |
3.0 |
% Growth 2017 - 2022 |
4.9% |
% White |
38.8% |
% Black |
20.3% |
% Asian |
.2% |
% Hispanic |
39.1% |
% Other |
1.6% |
% Renter Occupied Housing Unit |
24.9% |
% Owner Occupied Housing Units |
75.1% |
2017 Median Household Income |
$50,052 |
2017 Average Household Income |
$62,337 |
Adult Population 25 Years or Older |
16,795 |
% Less than 9th Grade |
12.9% |
% Some High school |
15.8% |
% High School or GED |
33.7% |
% Some College |
22.8% |
% College - Associates Degree |
4.4% |
% College - Bachelor’s Degree |
7.3% |
% College - Master’s Degree |
1.9% |
% College - Professional Degree |
.9% |
% College - Doctorate Degree |
.1% |
Median Age |
36.7 |
Median Age Male |
35.6 |
Median Age Female |
37.5 |
Generation Z (Ages 0 - 18) |
24.8% |
Millennials (Ages 18 - 34) |
26.4% |
Generation X (Ages 35 - 54) |
26.9% |
Baby Boomers (55 - 74) |
18.4% |
Silent Generation (Ages 75+) |
3.6% |
Wilmer Demographics
2010 Population |
3,685 |
2015 Population |
3,874 |
2020 Population Estimate |
4,186 |
2025 Population Estimate |
4,469 |
% Growth 2010 - 2015 |
5.1% |
% Growth 2015-2020 |
8.1% |
% Growth 2020-2025 |
6.7% |
2015 Households |
1,215 |
2020 Household Estimate |
1,313 |
2025 Household Estimate |
1,402 |
Avg Household Size |
3.2 |
% White |
24.3% |
% Black |
10.4% |
% Asian |
.2% |
% Hispanic |
63.4% |
% Other |
1.8% |
White 2015 |
941 |
White 2020 |
1,017 |
Black 2015 |
401 |
Black 2020 |
434 |
Asian 2015 |
6 |
Asian 2020 |
7 |
Hispanic 2015 |
2,457 |
Hispanic 2020 |
2,655 |
Other 2015 |
69 |
Other 2020 |
74 |
% Renter Occupied Housing Unit |
39.2% |
% Owner Occupied Housing Units |
60.8% |
2015 Median Household Income |
$37,997 |
2020 Median Household Income |
$40,304 |
2015 Average Household Income |
$43,568 |
2020 Average Household Income |
$46,400 |
HHs w/ Income $0 - $14,999 |
251 |
HHs w/ Income $15,000 - $24,999 |
216 |
HHs w/ Income $25,000 - $49,999 |
329 |
HHs w/ Income $50,000 - $74,999 |
223 |
HHs w/ Income $75,000 - $99,999 |
115 |
HHs w/ Income $100,000 - $124,999 |
57 |
HHs w/ Income $125,000 - $149,999 |
4 |
HHs w/ Income $150,000 - $174,999 |
2 |
HHs w/ Income $175,000 - $199,999 |
7 |
HHs w/ Income $200,000 - $249,999 |
4 |
HHs w/ Income $250,000 - $499,999 |
6 |
HHs w/ Income $500,000 + |
0 |
Adult Population 25 Years or Older |
1,257 |
% Grade Level 0-8 |
28.7% |
% Some High school |
22.2% |
% High School |
22.1% |
% Some College |
16.5% |
% College - Associates Degree |
3.9% |
% College - Bachelor’s Degree |
5.3% |
% College - Master’s Degree |
1.1% |
% College - Professional Degree |
.2% |
% College - Doctorate Degree |
0.0% |
Median Age |
34.0 |
Median Age Male |
34.0 |
Median Age Female |
33.6 |
Children 0 - 14 |
545 |
% College - Doctorate Degree |
958 |
Millennials (Ages 18 - 34) |
1,190 |
Generation X (Ages 35 - 54) |
1,005 |
Baby Boomers (55 - 74) |
606 |
Silent Generation (Ages 75+) |
115 |
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